
By the desire to move and inspire, I write...

Many among us believe that most people are unable to change (for the better).. Talking about actions of the past or experiences within a friendship, most people will always relate someone to the past of that person or to own past experiences. In case of experiences you might not even give someone a chance in […]

February 10, 2016


If you wish to achieve happiness, you need to accept that there will always be better things in life and that there will always be many differences. You should always know that it’s best to love and accept your own with all that you already have in that exact way and form. Otherwise you will […]

October 27, 2015


One never grows up to become weak, fragile, a failure, depressed, etc. Humans are never born to become any of that. We experience many things throughout life, but always to become stronger, better, smarter, sharper and to achieve more on higher levels. Even when people get hurt or caught up in difficult situations. Everything happens […]

October 18, 2015


Don’t judge people by their actions.
When people need you they act different from when they don’t.

October 11, 2015


It seems like we all want life to have some kind of meaning. But the older we get the harder it becomes to look for it.

Don’t waste your early days on too much worldly activities. Spend your time well to become a man or woman of success.

October 8, 2015


Communication is the only true investment regarding a relation of any kind.
So to speak, great movements can only grow forward out of understanding.

May 27, 2015


Generation after generation we all seem to pick up where our parents left off. Some times having the same dreams or repeating the same mistakes. You can escape it by understanding it and using that knowledge to change it. Generation after generation we are supposed to clear ourselves of blockades. Even though some might create […]

February 11, 2015


Perfection is not about having perfect elements whether physical or non physical. Perfection is determined by the scale of how much we accept ourselves just as we are. People don’t change. We just upgrade our understanding. That might allow us to change our sailing capabilities against the winds. That is exactly how we change. David […]

January 8, 2015


Making mistakes is only part of the valuable lessons life teaches you, if you’re willing to recognize them. If you continue to fool yourself you simply stay a fool.
What is more valuable to you? Being real? Or maintaining your image towards the people who think they know you…

December 7, 2014


What you hope, you will eventually believe..
What you believe, you will eventually know..
What you know, you will eventually create..

November 28, 2014


Life is good and life is interesting….
You just gotta mind the right things and be strong enough to face its challenges. ‪#‎JustSaying‬

November 13, 2014


You can drown from someone else’s misery. Emotional states of others could be as infectious as disease. Even though some of us might feel to give a hand in need, we can not always help everyone. In some cases we are not even allowed to provide help to certain people.. if we refuse to listen […]

October 26, 2014


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