
By the desire to move and inspire, I write...

A personal relation can grow out of a feeling which can be transformed into any type of relation.

Most people believe they need to get together when they sense the “feeling” which manifests when a connection is made. Apparently this is not true. The feeling one might experience does only show us “Hey! there is a connection!” What we do with it and how we get along with it is up to us. But first we need to take our time to discover and understand the reason behind that connection.

July 24, 2013


Always surround yourself with the kind of people who represent what you wish to achieve!

For instance…
If you surround yourself with negative people, you will experience the reflection of it.
If you surround yourself with successful people, you will eventually become successful!

July 17, 2013


In order to be in charge, you gotta take charge. If you wait for anyone to do it for you, you are not fit for this game.
In order to be a leader you do not have to be up front. As long as you withstand distraction and lead your own way.
If you do it properly, some followers might appear. But when you do it right, those followers will become leaders eventually.

June 20, 2013


In order to be successful in life, you need to do what you love…

You can’t be successful if you are in the middle or a routine where you are doing something you do not fully support. I know that some things are not easily changed, and you need to keep generating a proper income in order to maintain yourself. But still it is not an excuse of not making the first step towards your own personal path to success. Where you don’t choose, a choice is made for you, meaning that not choosing is also a choice.

June 12, 2013


If your life is not the way you want it to be, you can have some people pulling you forward every day… But if you are not willing to move forward, you are not going to achieve anything at all…

May 28, 2013


All moments, are moments of life we need to face in order to learn and create a clear consciousness. Walking away won’t work, because when we look back its still there!

May 7, 2013


You need to make mistakes in order to define yourself.
Don’t blame yourselves when making one, as it’s simply part of life…

April 21, 2013


Before understanding, must come acceptance…

If you can’t accept a given explanation when this seems different compared to what you thought you already understood. You will never allow yourself to fully understand it…

April 17, 2013


Never rush anything. Always focus on the present moment, and try not to live in your past…
Give things a place, and never lean too much on certain expectations until its certain.

April 6, 2013


Once forgiveness is understood…
A higher level of freedom is perceived.

April 4, 2013


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